Pages to watch free pay TV channels


For several years, the subscription channel service has had excellent programming, however initially, they had a high cost, but with the arrival of the internet service, this situation could be resolved and therefore there is free access in many channels, which is why V channels er free pay TV, is a great distraction. For more details on this topic, it is necessary to continue reading this article.

Pages in Spanish to watch free pay TV channels

For the recreation of a large number of people, free channels represent, as indicated, an element of distraction, both for children and adults, where they can easily access and enjoy movies, series and other services that are in excellent demand. among thousands of users.

Technology has provided that great ease of watching pay TV channels for free, since with one or more clicks, interesting access to various projections, both old and modern and up-to-date, is achieved, where the fact of even sharing in meetings with friends and family , has become a very common task.

One of the details that may seem controversial is the advertising that sometimes occupies large spaces and the public frequently complains about this situation.

However, the large number of channels available allow this extensive menu to serve as a support base for healthy recreation and also used in family or friendship harmony. On the other hand there are sports presentations of Boxing, Soccer, Baseball, Wrestling that can even be seen live.

All this matter placed in that way, contributes as a kind of social mission that fulfills a goal, pleasant, enjoyable and also in some cases of a pedagogical nature, according to the theme of the selected projection.

As indicated, there are thousands of free channels that provide this service to the population through technology and therefore in this work section, some of those channels with their individual characteristics will be exposed, in order to serve as Orientation to the user who will select at certain times the projections that are closest to the individual conditions of each one. The channels referred to are as follows:

Your Online Television

The specific case of the channel called Tu Televisión Online, indicates that it is a tool that has a technical synchronization, with large television networks, which have a great worldwide reputation, all of this is presented with direct and free access, to all interested in being part of this recreational enjoyment of various film screenings. This tool, like many similar ones, gives the public the ability to watch pay TV channels for free, as a very efficient distraction option.

The navigation that is achieved in this process is relatively simple and fast, an interesting detail to consider is that, for example, that through this channel, there is no continuous interruption of the so-called pop-up windows, since many of the unnecessary advertisements they really cause a lot of annoyance. Returning to the theme of the channel, it can be indicated that its main characteristics are the following:

  • A list of channels is available to the public at all times, also indicating the respective countries of origin.
  • The channel’s Database is medium in size, but has an excellent distribution and is also stocked with several different products.
  • The coverage of this channel covers a large number of countries.
  • It is necessary to have the Adobe Flash component within reach, with the intention that the available videos can load in a suitable way.

For more information visit this link.

Direct TV

The tool that is analyzed in this case has the condition of allowing any user to watch free online pay TV channels and of course, the Tele Directo channel that is analyzed here meets this condition.

This channel, from Spain offers all its users, excellent content with high quality, scenes of great emotion, including not only the package of Spanish projections, since there is material from thousands of sites in the world and surely customers who enter From now on, they will become big fans of the channel.

It is recognized worldwide that Spanish television is highly sought after by a large majority of people, and outside the country, it offers many film alternatives for free, which enjoy high prestige and quality.

The general characteristics of this channel are expressed below:

  • The handling of the tool does not require high knowledge, anyone is able to use this channel.
  • The menu of options in the various channels is available for all tastes.
  • The screenings are loaded automatically, an aspect that is very well commented on by the general public.
  • For the smallest of the house, there are several children’s channels that are very fun.
  • The quality of the speed of the projected videos depends directly on the internet connection you have.

It is recommended to visit the following link


Despite the sports name, which distinguishes RapiFutbol, ​​there are many channels available with different schedules, however it cannot be denied that there are many services in the sports area, but it is not their only style since, projections of everything are presented type and users who usually visit this channel, will be able to check what is being exhibited here.

In the sports environment, activities such as the Copa del Rey, the League and / or the Champions are highlighted, which can be accessed and navigated with a simple movement, hand in hand and the sport that is enjoyed here, it turns out that presents a undeniable streaming quality and distraction is excellent. The same happens with soccer activities and other additional sports.

The general characteristics of this channel are the following:

  • Sports broadcasts are available, at the same time they are happening.
  • The user has the ability to select different television channels in a very simple way.
  • There is the availability of three sports chains, which the customer can easily choose according to the corresponding countries.
  • On various occasions, pop-up windows are generated that interrupt the projections that the client enjoys with some frequency.

It is recommended to visit its official link .

Tv Guide

This alternative has the particularity that the vast majority of the portal’s content can be made up of many channels, which lead to live programming, which is why it is called a guide since it is the main task that is developed interactive television.

You have to take into account, what is popularly known as TV Guide, which is a very simple tool and destroys all the old theory and custom, of the television guides of the past, which had to be read physically, to find out the details.

In this modern age, the development of this activity is completely interactive, even fun, since it is possible to move on a journey of many categories.

The features that TV Guía has are as follows:

  • The use of this tool is very easy and comfortable.
  • The content is displayed normally in real time.
  • The selected language is Spanish.
  • The contents available to the public are presented exclusively in the Spanish language, so unfortunately there is a limitation to view the content of some countries with different languages.

It is suggested to enter the following official link on the page.

El Toro TV

Among the alternatives, which exist to watch pay TV channels for free, there are many of those already mentioned and of course also this one called El Toro TV, which also represents an excellent option, with a live transmission and is also characterized not only by showing the projection that is being carried out at a given moment.

It also has the power to indicate, in a certain time, how long until the next program starts, which the portal fully identifies.

This television alternative presents a group of particular characteristics, which are detailed below:

  • The interface that is integrated into your equipment is fully interactive.
  • At all times, a summary is frequently presented, with the programming schedule for the entire week.

A vital limitation that the customer must be aware of, before selecting this alternative, is that it is only possible to access their own content, but it is not feasible to access the content of other television stations.

It is advisable to visit the following link

Cable Free Online

This name represents one of the tools, perhaps less known in the cinematographic environment, however it should be noted that it represents one of the best alternatives, in any case there is the ease of accessing the best known television stations in the world, such as: HBO or ESPN, all this is a marvel of production, this website for television channels and as you know it is totally free.

Many people have expressed their opinion about this option and there are several criteria, however the vast majority who know the situation in depth, give it an excellent approval and also highlight an important quality.

Its particular details are the following:

  • It has a continuous service 24 hours a day.
  • It maintains a direct connection with the major world television networks.
  • The database that this platform has is extremely wide, ensuring in this way that the user will never get bored, since the variety of channels that are always available can please each and every one of the users. customers.
  • It is necessary that the navigation be carried out incognito, all of this to guarantee with more certainty that the reproduction is loaded properly.

The official site of this page can be located at the following link .

Without TV

The peculiar name that this option has, does not really have to do with the strict meaning of the term, it is a page perhaps not very well known, but it provides an excellent service, the programming it offers is of high quality and all those who they approach, they are delighted with its development.

The general characteristics of this page are the following:

  • It has an interface that turns out to be very pleasant and also has a capacity for intuition that facilitates its use.
  • Its connectivity is characterized by being related to many channels, which offer excellent services.
  • The database it has offers excellent channels, many of which are known and others are relatively new.
  • The internet service that the user uses in the connection directly influences the browsing speed. In addition, it also does a lot with the geographical location of the site where the connection will be made.

For more information it is recommended to visit its official website.

Your Free TV

This portal is designed to see all types of projections and as you already know it is completely free, through this option, you can choose from more than 150 selections, which have topics fully recognized worldwide, their conditions allow you to place it in a place of suitable preference.

The catalog it has is very complete and all this allows the user to find the type of information that he likes the most in a very easy way.

The general characteristics are the following:

  • The transmission that is achieved in this option is practically 24 hours a day.
  • It also has a diverse number of channels, of different genres and tastes to choose the one that best suits those interested.
  • It registers a certain degree of instability, so the image with medium frequency tends to fall.
  • Another part, controversial, is that the amount of publicity that he presents in his task is excessive.

The official link of this page can be found here. 

My Online Tele

This portal is not very popular, however it has the capacity of a great variety of content, in what is called real time, it is entertaining, for most users and also its programming and schedules are detailed in such a way that user take precautions.

The broadcasts it offers are mostly of high quality and also with live features, or as identified in real time. Compared with pay TV channels, it offers practically the same conditions.

Among the most outstanding characteristics are the following:

  • At all times, the public is informed of the details of the schedules and programs, identifying the channels appropriately.
  • The screenings load up excellently and convey to the public a good degree of confidence in the broadcasts.
  • Most of the projections are from Spain.

You can visit their website through this link.

Argentina HD TV

The most important channels in Argentina have a direct connection with this channel, identified by the name of TV Argentina HD and of course, it presents a very typical material from that country, where there is a lot of projection available, both old and up-to-date.

In Argentina, for several years, excellent productions have been made, including shows, with quality presentations, perhaps in the past it was difficult to find out and handle information of this nature, but with technological advancement and the launch of the service of Internet conditions have changed favorably, since today in a very simple way, you can choose to view the projections that that country constantly presents.

The general characteristics of this channel are detailed below:

  • The television images that are presented are of very good quality.
  • This option is characterized by carrying out live broadcasts and free of charge, 24 hours a day.
  • The technical relations with the television networks of that country allow us to offer users the works generated there and which are widely named in the cinematographic environment.
  • The great limitation of this option is that the programming offered is totally linked to the Argentine environment and this in some way presents a certain degree of inconvenience for many users.

The official site of this page can be viewed by visiting the following link.


The well-known super company Sony, was the creator of this television space, which has access to various exclusive content, but as is known for free. Anyone who dabbles in Crackle will be able to perceive a change of perspective, in the process of enjoying watching TV channels, all great information at their fingertips, but with optimal and adequate quality.

In fact, it is one of the favorite sites, of the great world public, of course each user, must perceive in a direct and personal way the experience of browsing this fabulous site and will surely be part of this excellent project.

The characteristics of this portal are the following:

  • Being in this condition, the user has the possibility of creating libraries, personally, with each and every one of the channels with which they wish to interact.
  • The players related to all this television equipment are very varied, that is why it is very easy to select the work that the user prefers and also the experience of the entire process is lived directly.
  • Another of the great advantages offered in this option is the ability to access the great premieres of series and movies and, as you already know, for free.
  • It is very regrettable to indicate that this cinematographic projection service site is totally out of reach of Latin American countries.

The website of this portal can be located by clicking here. 

English pages to watch free pay TV channels

Logically, in this cinematographic world of free pay TV, the work with pages in English is included, of course, the programmed projections can be viewed in Spanish, but if the users do not speak English, they will have many inconveniences for the users. navigation processes, or also for the management and use of the interface, in reality this entire phase would become a problem of a high degree of complexity.

As a result of the aforementioned, several channels will be presented where the activity takes place in the English language and the particular details of each case will also be shown, with the intention that users can obtain an orientation guide in many of the aspects that are exposed in this post. The channels with these characteristics of the English language are the following:

Tubi Tv

This platform has the particularity, that it is synchronized with the supports, for most of the browsers used more frequently and on the other hand, it has the resource of an excellent application for iOS and Android, which allows to facilitate all the task that is presented . It is a recent project, but nevertheless its quality has managed to prevail in the cinematographic medium and it has gradually become the favorite of subscribers.

Tubi TV, every day that passes, is made known with greater intensity and if the trajectory continues at that rate, it may soon be one of the platforms with that characteristic of the English language, which is most widely used.

The main details of this option are the following:

  • You can access the content of the page, regardless of whether the user is registered or not.
  • On the other hand, the bar and the search engine that this portal has, have the characteristic of great efficiency, it also includes a very interesting and appropriate browsing speed.
  • Its Database is complete and contains information with diverse content and also very entertaining.
  • Those users who have installed an advertising blocker system will present serious inconveniences since, with all certainty, access will be denied.

To learn more about the website, click here. 

Ov Guide

The way of working with this platform is something different from what is seen in other cases, since it works in such a way that it redirects the operation to an online player, in such a way that it can be facilitated, the enjoyment of projections, series, films or any other cinematographic system.

This particularity is very useful, the option paid channels for free, since in this case it has been taken advantage of a lot, where the vast majority of Internet users have been benefited in an adequate way.

Among the most important features of this portal, the following can be mentioned:

  • The work activities in this option are quite reliable, since the available URLs are redirected in a comfortable and safe way and in general, they do not present major operating difficulties.
  • This platform has an internal category that allows you to search for content in a very easy and fast way.
  • The process of uploading information to the platform is very simple and is also done quite quickly for the benefit of users.
  • The great detail that may not be entirely pleasant for some users is that the content and instructions are entirely in English.

To visit its official website, click on this link.


This site has the great peculiarity, that it can be connected to more than 100 servers in TV channels, this represents a very attractive element that draws the attention of thousands of users, on the other hand the interface that is related to this equipment, as well as the quality of the portal are exceptional.

For any portal to remain in the first place, in this type of activity, true conditions of extreme quality are required, to stay at the forefront of this type of work. All this indicates that Yidio has been able to carry out this feat, cleanly and adequately. This factor practically conquers the vast majority of subscribers who visit this activity.

The general characteristics of this portal are the following:

  • The contents offered are exclusive to Netflix and Amazon Prime.
  • Clients can easily register through their Facebook account, free of charge.
  • The search engine is very versatile.
  • Almost all the programs available are in the English language and without subtitles.

For more information enter the following link.

Share Tv

This portal has long held a great position in this environment and many people use it to watch TV online. There is also excellent content for the whole family. From the beginning it has been a regularly growing portal, however it is not the first of its kind, but it is still in great demand.

Its main characteristics are the following:

  • It has series, movies, also anime.
  • The interface it uses is quick and easy to use.
  • It is necessary to have Adobe Flash Player within reach for the player to work.

You can visit their website by clicking on the following link

Pluto TV

It is a website, for exclusive programming, it has a direct relationship with the big television networks, such as: MTV and Warner, its access is fast and all the details are written in Spanish.

The interface that it has turns out to be very friendly and the player, in addition to being simple, works at high speeds, the Spanish public has a great preference for this alternative.

The general characteristics of this portal are the following:

  • The transmission is live and direct 24 hours a day.
  • The connection with large multinational chains is direct and simple.
  • Unfortunately, it is not available for many Latin American countries.

To visit the official site, you must click on the following link

Free inter TV

This portal has the characteristic of connecting TV to multiple countries, the wide variety of free pay channels it presents is immense.

It allows to know then, the programming of countries, for example in remote cases, Pakistan or Chile can be mentioned and the virtual connection is fast and excellent.

The general characteristics of this portal are the following:

  • The offer of the portal is with more than 1500 channels.
  • There is the well-known popular section, which summarizes the exhibitions of the last hours.
  • It offers the possibility of interacting with other users, through a chat, all in real time.
  • The speed of the internet connection is not important in this case, since the extensive compatibility solves that problem.