Teach your child controlled internet use / Problems in children
With the introduction of distance education in our lives, the time spent with computers/tablets/phones increased problems in children and young people, and habits of playing computer games and watching videos after the end of the lesson started. Internet use for the preschool age group, not exceeding 30 minutes a day, can be allocated 45 minutes per day in the first 4 years of primary education, excluding homework. In the following years, while the weekend is more flexible, it is suitable for 1 hour a day, while in high school age 2 hours a day is considered sufficient.
Attention Deficit Disorder is a very common disorder that can spread throughout life. In a study published in the Journal of Pediatrics in 2010, it was observed that children experienced attention problems as a result of uncontrolled spending time with a computer/tablet/phone. Psychologist Gizem Sıla Bayraktaroğlu, who said that the time spent in front of the screen for long periods of time without being aware of it is the most important reason for the attention deficit after my vacation or lesson hour, gave warnings to the families. With the arrival of the break, it will be easier for your children to use technological devices in a controlled manner. The use of controlled screens will be of great benefit in terms of both physiological (eye pain, fatigue, etc.) and resting the mind. In addition, controlled times spent on the internet will be of great importance in preparing a child for relearning.
Do not ban the internet for children completely
Do not ban the internet for children completely. Keeping them completely off the Internet is just as wrong as releasing them completely. The most ideal way is to create a monitoring mechanism according to the age, internet content and duration of the children. In this way, the child will not only keep up with the developing world and will not get addicted to technology.
Internet use not exceeding 30 minutes a day for the pre-school age group, 45 minutes per day for games and entertainment can be allocated in the first 4 years of primary education, excluding homework. In the following years, it is more flexible on the weekend, but it is suitable for 1 hour a day. In high school age, 2 hours a day is considered sufficient. Do not ban the internet completely. But be firm about the time limit. Make this a routine. Let him use the daily limits. For example, he can spend 45 minutes all at once, or use it by dividing it at different times of the day. It will feel good to offer freedom to your child under your supervision here.
Activities I Want To Do
Create a ‘Activities I Want To Do’ list with your child . It would be good to present a list of their own choices that you can present to your child who has filled the internet usage limit that day and is stubborn to exceed this quota. When he has a strong desire to use the internet, ask him to do one of the things he wrote.
Do not make decisions that you cannot implement . Parents can often behave like picking up the computer or phone. However, that computer / phone is delivered again after a while. Because today, internet use has become a requirement for children. The important thing is to provide controlled internet usage. For this reason, it will not be right to make decisions that you cannot implement, as it will be a shocking behavior to authority.
During the use of the computer, parents should be able to accompany the child from time to time, provide guidance and control when necessary. The most important point in using computers / tablets / phones is that parents are an example for their children. Reduce your internet usage in the environment your child will see
Controlled internet use ensures that your child can use the computer / tablet and phone in the correct and appropriate time, preventing the emergence of disturbances such as attention deficit and learning difficulties. Opportunities are created to acquire new activities / hobbies for personal development and to spend more quality time as a family.
The danger that awaits the world population in 2050! Children get myopia in a pandemic

The danger that awaits the world population in 2050! Children get myopia in a pandemic. The coronavirus epidemic increased eye problems in children. In the epidemic, the rate of myopia (inability to see farther) increased in children who were exposed to the computer, tablet, and phone screens in order to both continue their education and perform social activities. In 2020, it was found that the incidence of myopia increased 3 times in 6-year-olds, 2-fold in 7-year-olds, and 1.4-fold in 8-year-old problems in children compared to previous years.
Problems in Children get myopia in a pandemic
Bezmialem Vakıf University Hospital Chief Physician and Professor of Eye Diseases Department. Dr. Arif Koytak said, “Almost the whole world, especially problems in children, spent the year 2020 at home and indoors. This age group, which carries a risk in terms of myopia development, stayed away from activities such as outdoor games and sports. These mandatory restrictions accelerated the development of myopia in children. According to the data of his organization, I am afraid that 50 percent of the world population will become myopic by 2050 “.
Sharing the striking results of the research conducted in China in this context, Prof. Dr. Arif Koytak said, “The study, based on the measurements of eye refraction in the last 5 years, proved that practices such as strict curfew and distance education in China in the first 6 months of 2020 significantly increase the development of myopia in children aged 6-8. In the study, it was determined that the incidence of myopia in 2020 increased 3 times in 6-year-olds, 2-fold in 7-year-olds and 1.4-fold in 8-year-old compared to previous years.
Pointing out that mild and moderate myopia does not have a negative effect on the quality of life of the person, Prof. Dr. Arif Koytak said, “However, high myopia (numbers 6 and above), which constitutes 10 percent of all myopia cases, causes progressive damage and permanent vision loss in the eyes after middle age. “While it has yielded striking results, it is necessary to take into account the negative impact of practices such as curfews and distance education in the west, which are longer and expected to last longer, on eye health.”
Explaining the reasons for myopia development, Prof. Dr. Arif Koytak said: “Myopia is an eye disorder that causes blurred vision, especially at a distance. Previously, it was thought that myopia was largely related to genetics. But now we know that the only factor is not genetics. As a result of the technological and social transformation we have experienced in the last 25-30 years, children and young people are now very We know that they travel less, spend less time on the streets and playgrounds, and do less sports; on the other hand, they read and write much more and look at the computer, tablet and smartphone screen. In 2000, the rate of myopia in the society was 25 percent in Europe and America, China and in Far Asian countries such as Singapore, it was around 50 percent. In 2020, this rate increased to 33 percent in Western countries and over 80 percent in Far East countries.

Prof. Dr. Arif Koytak listed what needs to be done to prevent myopia in children under the age of 10:
- Eye examination of all children and young people who have not had an eye examination recently.
- Focusing on outdoor activities such as games, walking, cycling, sports, especially in daylight, on the condition of complying with social distance and quarantine rules.
- Restricting the time spent in front of a computer, tablet, and mobile phone as much as possible.
- Shortening the time that is left in front of the screen continuously. Putting a 5-10 minute rest break after every half hour of close work.
- Presenting some lessons with appropriate content from audio, not video.
- Watching the things that need to be watched on the screen, if possible from the TV screen and from a distance as possible
- Avoiding working in dim environments. Practicing close-range applications such as reading, writing, drawing, etc., in bright environments as much as possible.
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