What is the Purpose of Scrub Suits?

What is the Purpose of Scrub Suits?

Yes, you typically see scrub suits being worn by nurses or medical practitioners in an operating room. But have you ever wondered why professionals in the health and medical field have to wear them? Why don’t they just stick with the traditional white uniform at all times?

In today’s article, I will discuss the basic purpose of wearing a scrub suit and why they are important clothing in the medical and health industry.

What is a Scrub Suit?

The term scrub suit has been used because the practice nurses and medical practitioners have to observe before entering the surgical or operating room, which is brushing or scrubbing their hands before they perform the procedure.

The primary characteristic of a scrub suit is the short-sleeve “V” neck and trousers. They are basically worn by a doctor as an undergarment for a longer during surgical procedures to prevent the elements like blood and bodily fluids from making contact with them.

Aside from its basic purpose, they are now also a uniform put on by nurses in addition to the traditional white clothing and other professionals in the healthcare industry.

The Materials Used in Scrub Suits

The scrub suit is lightweight, soft, and very comfortable. And this is because they are made of the following notable materials—

  • Cotton Fabrics

Most scrub suits are practically made of 100% cotton fabric which makes them extremely lightweight and breathable, and comfortable to wear for longer periods because it promotes better airflow.

  • Blended Fabrics

In addition to cotton, scrub suits are blended with other categories of fabrics such as CVC or T/C fabrics—they are the abbreviation for chief value cotton and polyester fiber and cotton. Take note that if the fabric cotton content is higher than 50%, it is considered T/C.

In addition, they are very hygienic because the polyester fiber absorbs sweat which is a great advantage when the doctor is performing in the operating room.

  • T/R Fabrics

T/R scrub suits are basically the combination of cotton, polyester fiber, and rayon. Now, the polyester fiber content in this clothing is over 60%. In other events, spandex is added to the manufacturing process to add durability and make it more stretchable.

Anyway, the scrub suits that were added with spandex are popularly referred to as T/R four-way stretch fabrics or T/R spandex fabrics. It has a content of 72% polyester fabric, 21% rayon, and 7% spandex.

The Scrub Suit Style

The scrub suit may seem to have one style, but there are several hallmarks of a scrub suit that you have to take note of—

  • Neckline – the scrub suits neckline is available in either U-neck or V-neck
  • Pockets – you can opt for scrub suits that have several pockets for functionality if you like
  • Zippers or Buttons – again, your choice of whether it has a closure of zippers, buttons, or drawings relies on your preferences

The Scrub Suits’ Colors

The typical colors of scrub suits that you might be seeing are green or blue. In reality, there are no specific requirements about the scrub suit colors, but it can actually be requested by the institution or the doctor performing the procedure.

The green and blue colors are the most common ones used by many medical institutions because of the theory of complementary color afterimage. This idea basically suggests the aforementioned colors as balanced and visually pleasing.

ConclusionScrub suits provide you with the functionality the nurses and medical practitioners need to wear in the operating room. This may be the case—it doesn’t mean that you could disregard your sense of style. One of the best ways you can fuse your own style such as custom scrubs.